Teachers giving workshops in Malérargues in 2025

2023 Roy Hart Teachers
North America
United Kingdom
  • Agnès Dumouchel
    Agnès Dumouchel
    Voice teacher, actress and storyteller
    Lives inLives in Gap, France
    Singing in Malérargues means expanding one’s sound body, freeing the inner being, taming the unknown. It is an encounter with oneself and an encounter with others.
  • Albino Bignamini
    Albino Bignamini
    Actor, Director, Playwright
    Lives inBergamo, Italy
    To resound life: The emotive voice
  • Anne-Sophie Masson
    Anne-Sophie Masson
    Intermittente du spectacle
    Lives inLe Croisty - Bretagne - France
    Singing is to recognise myself, to reveal and discover myself in the moment. Singing connects me with something bigger than myself, it makes my bones resonate and my breath awaken. Singing is to welcome the voices of the moment and to set off on a journey towards the unknown.
  • Audrey Pernell
    Audrey Pernell
    Singer, Actress, Voice Teacher
    Lives inSantiago de Chile, Chile
    I follow my intuition in the moment, based on what I perceive to be the need of each student's unique voice. I guide people to connect with their creative impulses, accepting the sound “just as it is," and expressing what their voices have to say.
  • Carol Mendelsohn
    Carol Mendelsohn
    Voice performer, Actress, Storyteller
    Lives inMalérargues, Thoiras, France
    "The voice is the muscle of the soul." Alfred Wolfsohn
  • Christiane Hommelsheim
    Christiane Hommelsheim
    Voice Performer
    Lives inBerlin, Germany
    In Singing we appreciate ourselves, the world, nature and the people who are with us. Yehudi Menuhin
  • Daniela Garcia
    Daniela Garcia
    Actress, playwright and voice teacher
    Lives inParis, France
    The voice for me is a necessity deeper than speech and beyond song. It is a return to the raw material of the voice, a subterranean and atavistic space rarely touched on in art.
  • David Goldsworthy
    David Goldsworthy
    Vocal artist, voice teacher, choir leader
    Lives inthe Village of Thoiras, France
    Singing is not just a question of vocal technique. It is a dynamic artistic and human process, an opening to oneself and the world - an intensive work which involves effort, discipline, humility and the capacity to look and listen.
  • Delphina Fabbrini
    Delphina Fabbrini
    voice teacher
    Lives inFlorence, Italy
  • Edda Heeg
    Edda Heeg
    Singer, Performance Artist, Voice Teacher, Musician
    Lives inHanover, Germany
    Singing for me is the breathing in through my ears and my soul – and perform it into the breathing out through my voice.
  • Enrique Pardo
    Enrique Pardo
    Lives inParis and Malérargues, France
    Singing, as defined by Alfred Wolfsohn and Roy Hart, is an extraordinary idealistic and demanding proposal – I am especially interested in its Talmudic backdrop. Protestant enthusiasm often takes over: its cult is also called singing. This, from a baroque, neopagan ‘goy’.
  • Esther Knappe
    Esther Knappe
    Singer, Dancer, Voice Teacher
    Lives inZürich, Switzerland
    Malérargues is a magical place charged with invisible energy from all the years of voice work - the ground from which we can take off, grow and transform life into singing.
  • Fia Adler Sandblad
    Fia Adler Sandblad
    Actress, Theater Director, Writer
    Lives inGothenburg, Sweden
    Malérargues is a safe place for letting the voice turn the soul inside out, touching secret memories hidden in the body and give them rhythm, music and meaning.
  • Gabriela Barrenechea
    Gabriela Barrenechea
    Singer, Composer and Practitioner of Eutonie
    Lives inAngers, France
    It is in singing that all my ‘selves’ meet together. When I sing I become a potter, architect, film maker, craft moulder and shaper. I enter into the material and little by little it takes form until it becomes unique, makes me unique. I am at the same both the material and the creator.
  • Ian Magilton
    Ian Magilton
    Actor, Set and Light Designer, Theater Director
    Lives inMalérargues, France
    Our voices are very much bigger than we think, certainly bigger than we normally use, and that there is a profound connection between our voice and our self, which is in turn very much bigger than we realise or normally admit to. The voice is more than sounds produced by the larynx and resonated in the head; the expression, the beauty and the quality that makes us want to listen comes from the body, the heart, the stomach, the genitals, even the knees, and from the soul.
  • Ivan Midderigh
    Ivan Midderigh
    Actor, Singer, Photographer, Leadership Communications Teacher and Coach
    Lives inMalérargues, France
    The Roy Hart voice work is less about changing than about becoming, becoming closer to who we truly are.
  • Jesús Muñoz
    Jesús Muñoz
    Actor and director
    Lives inValencia, Spain
    The quality of listening I have found in Malérargues is the most sensitive I have ever experienced, without any kind of judgement or expectation. Malérargues is the place where you can accept your vulnerability and find the power of your voice.
  • Joao Charepe
    Joao Charepe
    Vocal health coach
    Lives inLisbon, Portugal
    Feeling our voice is something wonderful. It is to live and to revive, to create and recreate, to give and to receive of ourselves, of others and things. A fantastic new world that opens its discovery every day and every moment.
  • Jonathan Hart Makwaia
    Jonathan Hart Makwaia
    Vocalist, Teacher, Composer and Actor
    Lives inNew York City, USA
  • Julien Martin
    Julien Martin
    Singer, singing teacher, writer
    Lives inClermond-Ferrand, France
    Singing is to try to sing what is beyond me, all the sounds of the voice and of the world, all of life - something infinitesimal, something huge, something beautiful, everything that gives joy and everything that hurts.
  • Kaya M. Anderson
    Kaya M. Anderson
    Singing, speaking and movement voice teacher, Actress and Performer
    Lives inMalérargues, Thoiras, France
    As one of the builders of Malérargues, for the past 41 years, for me, it is a place of many, many meetings with all the people who come here. Our inspiration for rebuilding Malérargues comes from our own singing and theatre and dance careers.
  • Kevin Crawford
    Kevin Crawford
    Program Director (MFA in Physical Theatre)
    Lives inCastiglion Fiorentino
    „Singing“ is an inclusive term for me that covers any action that involves vocal expression. It is inclusive in the sense that it seeks to renegotiate our perceptions both of ourselves and others. Its primary aim is one of communcation on all levels.
  • Laurent Stéphan
    Laurent Stéphan
    Actor, Singer, Theatre and Voice Teacher
    Lives inMalérargues, France
    In the RHT approach, work happens at the nexus of body, voice, self-knowledge, theater and music. This exploration allows us to build bridges and increase unity within ourselves.
  • Linda Wise
    Linda Wise
    Actress, theatre director, singing/voice teacher
    Lives inParis, France
    Malérargues was built on a dream of a remarkable man, Roy Hart, and some exceptional people who worked with him. The capacity of a generation of actor/singers to say „yes“ and to hold to this undefined vision in the face of tragedy continues to challenge the historians and myth makers.
  • Lucienne Deschamps
    Lucienne Deschamps
    Actress, singer, poet
    Lives inParis mostly but also London and Kent
    Singing rhymes with being, with connecting, channelling energy
  • Lutz Pickardt
    Lutz Pickardt
    Theatre director, teacher of physical theatre and drama
    Lives inKassel, Germany
    Whatever lives inside of us, we can give voice and expression to - our thoughts, ideas, dreams, emotions, worries or desires. It is an act of liberation that also helps us to discover, explore and integrate contradictory parts of ourselves.
  • Margaret Pikes
    Margaret Pikes
    Voice Teacher
    Lives inCologne, Germany and Montagnac, France
    "Singing" for me, following the particular way Wolfsohn and Hart used that word, is a way of exploring and developing the depths of your own personal connection with your voice.
  • Mariane Siem
    Mariane Siem
    Dramaturge, storyteller, speech therapist
    Lives inAarhus, Denmark
    Malérargues is for me the beautiful and important heart of the Roy Hart community. It is the meeting place for people who have experienced a Roy Hart moment that made such an impact on them that it created a longing for more.
  • Marianne Le Tron
    Marianne Le Tron
    Artist, actor-singer, guide/mentor for the sung and spoken voice.
    Lives inThoiras, France
    Voice has become my life-companion, the measure of both my personal and artistic work, and my inspiration. And these I love to share.
  • Marya Lowry
    Marya Lowry
    Voice performer, Actress, Voice Teacher, Vocal Coach
    Lives inBoston, MA USA
    The heart, soul, and body hunger for deep expressions – of joy, yearning, grief, ecstasy, pain, uncertainty, purpose. This vocal journey thrives on listening, searching, play, risk and ultimately, the discovery of form and ease.
  • Maryline Guitton
    Maryline Guitton
    Performer, Singer, Author-composer
    Lives inParis, France
    At the Roy Hart Centre, we learn from workshops, from passionate discussions over meals with fellow students, from conversing with nature, and the place itself, which has a soul of its own. At Malérargues, the apprenticeship is constant.
  • Núria Inglada
    Núria Inglada
    Actress, Theater Director
    Lives inAt the moment nomad
    A smiling field full of contradictions, fear and love, sadness and happiness, emptiness and fullness… resistance, freedom, letting go, releasing. Always a challenge, always good. Finding the pleasure. Finding myself, myself in the others. Unity.
  • Orly Asody
    Orly Asody
    Music teacher in a High School Music Department, Roy Hart Voice Teacher
    Lives inTel Aviv, Israel
    When I truly sound, my real whole-range voice, ‘I’ cease to exist: all the voices of judgement, classification, evaluation… disappear and I’m truly one with the world.
  • Pascale Ben
    Pascale Ben
    Singer, Actress, Voice Teacher
    Lives inFrance
    Singing for me means to live more fully. It also means using my energy and my thoughts to be able to grow, besides singing songs which can enrich my life, and even inventing new songs as I am now.
  • Paula Molinari
    Paula Molinari
    Voice Teacher
    Lives inTeresina/Piauí/Brazil
    In my point of view/perception singing is: connection, self-knowledge, accuracy, expression, wisdom.
  • Rosemary Quinn
    Rosemary Quinn
    Actress, Director, Teacher, Arts administrator and Producer
    Lives inNew York City, USA
  • Sašo Vollmaier
    Sašo Vollmaier
    Pianist, composer, performer, teacher
    Lives inParis and Malérargues, France
    I understand singing as melodic speaking with rhythmical particularities of different cultures. It pleases me the most when I hear a foreign language, I can relax my ears and listen to the meaning from another perception
  • Saule Ryan
    Saule Ryan
    Teacher and Actor
    Lives inMalérargues, France
    “Singing“ allows me to dynamically explore many different qualities of sound, some of them quite extreme, so that with time my capacity to express myself both as a singer and as a human being is enhanced. More in touch with myself and my voice I can be more in touch with others.
  • Stephen Rivers-Moore
    Stephen Rivers-Moore
    Musician, Choral Director
    Lives inLe Vigan, France
    Why do we sing ? Why do we make music ? I am drawn in particular to vocal expression through melody and harmony, and to instrumental expression where the instrument sings its instrumental line. I believe that music can touch the human soul, and that making music can nourish our soul and help us to discover ourselves and who we are. What more do you want ?
  • Susanne Weins
    Susanne Weins
    Performance artist, Alexander Technique teacher
    Lives inDüsseldorf, Germany
    Malérargues is my second home. When I think of it, I remember sharing deep times with my dear friends Robert, Marita, Jonathan. It is the navel of the world, the mother-house of this really unique and beautiful exploration of the voice and being.
  • Ulrik Barfod
    Ulrik Barfod
    Voice teacher, Experimental voice performer
    Lives inHanover, Germany
    Singing is a personal sound form, just like your physical body.
  • Véronique Thomas
    Véronique Thomas
    Roy Hart voice teacher, singer, music teacher
    Lives inBritany, France
    Singing for me is an act of freedom, letting go, connection to my emotions, my physical sensations and my being as a whole. The Song makes me deeply alive.
  • Viviane Gay
    Viviane Gay
    Actress, vocal performer and voice teacher
    Lives in Saint Etienne de l’Olm in the south of France
    Malérargues est un lieu de transformation et de retrouvaille avec son soi profond. Une manière d’être au monde, de se relier les uns aux autres par la vibration d’âme à âme.
  • Walli Höfinger
    Walli Höfinger
    Performer, Performance Artist
    Lives inBerlin, Germany
    Singing is a way to connect through the voice. Listen with the soul into the body – or with the body into the soul. The voice makes it all audible.
  • Zwaantje de Vries
    Zwaantje de Vries
    Performer, Dansexpressie teacher
    Lives inNijmegen, Netherlands
    There is nothing that gets you closer to your-self than your voice, there is nothing that gets you closer to the Other, then The voice.


  • Akhmatova Samuels
    Akhmatova Samuels
    Singing Teacher
    Lives inLyon, France
    My voice-body work is practical, the fruit of my experience as a singer, actress, and teacher, applying what I learnt from Roy and Dorothy and with fellow-pupils and teachers since 1964. My voice comes from my whole body: this means I move « every joints »  while inviting voice to come in on the out-breath, as it wants. This is my warm-up and pre- rehearsal.
  • Anne Heeg
    Anne Heeg
    Singer, Actress, Singing Teacher, Architect
    Lives inHamburg, Germany
    The opening and liberation of the individual’s potential through singing, in connecting with the conscious awareness of the moment in the Here and Now. “Concentration, intensity, expression": Alfred Wolfsohn
  • Annie Murath Carrasco
    Annie Murath Carrasco
    Singer, actress, vocal director and co-director of Pantheatre-Chile
    Lives inChile
  • Clara Silber-Harris
    Clara Silber-Harris
    Actress, Theater Director, Voice Teacher
    Lives inPort-Vendres, France
    Singing is breath moved by feeling when words no longer hold their meaning ... and given time, singing moves life into greater meaning especially as the world loses touch with its feeling.
  • Emanuella Lazzerini
    Emanuella Lazzerini
    Voice teacher, music performer, translater
    Lives inLucca, Italy
    Singing is my sounding wings unfolded. Malérargues is a link to singing myself back home.
  • Ethie Friend
    Ethie Friend
    Voice Teacher, Performer, Singer
    Lives inBoulder, Colorado USA
    Through singing, I give birth to the myriad possibilities of my soul. "Singing, as we practice it, is literally the resurrection or redemption of the body, making biological reality of the statement "I AM". Roy Hart
  • Flavio Polizzy
    Flavio Polizzy

    Lives in
  • Johannes Theron
    Johannes Theron
    Actor, Theatre Director, Business Coach
    Lives inLasalle ,Gard, France
    For me, singing is a broadening of the voice linked to a broadening of the personality
  • Julien Martin
    Julien Martin
    Singer, singing teacher, writer
    Lives inClermond-Ferrand, France
    Singing is to try to sing what is beyond me, all the sounds of the voice and of the world, all of life - something infinitesimal, something huge, something beautiful, everything that gives joy and everything that hurts.
  • Mechthild Hettich
    Mechthild Hettich
    Roy Hart Voice Teacher, Musician
    Lives inBremen & Stuttgart, Germany
    Voice and mood are closely linked. A fearful voice sounds different from an excited, young, old, in love or angry voice. However, all have their place and the division into "beautiful" and "ugly" loses its importance.
  • Michèle Laforest
    Michèle Laforest
    French teacher, actress, voice teacher
    Lives inParis (France) et près de Foix (France)
    To discover our different voices is to discover the way of life! Body and voice together help discover the real verticality of the human: going beyond the limits allows the richness of inner musicality to express oneself with authenticity.
  • Miguel Alonso Gutierrez
    Miguel Alonso Gutierrez
    Stage director of opera, Voice teacher, Actor
    Lives inCuliacán, Sinaloa, México
    To sing is the pleasure to vibrate, impulsed by the desire to express oneself freely.
  • Nadine George
    Nadine George
    International voice teacher working in many European Countries
    Lives inGrantham Lincolnshire, England
    The voice work of Alfred Wolfsohn and Roy Hart and my development of their work is to do with the development of the individual. To be able to discover who you are through the voice and to stand in yourself with your own unique voice. Then to work with this on a high human and artistic level.
  • Nadine Rodilla
    Nadine Rodilla
    Voice teacher, singer / storyteller, body-mind therapist
    Lives inBrussels, Belgium
    Malérargues: A place to find oneself
  • Noah Pikes
    Noah Pikes
    Whole Voice teacher, trainer and coach, Voice coach for Interpreters, Writer and speaker on Roy Hart Theatre voice work and history
    Lives inZürich, Switzerland
    Singing happens when a person’s whole body, senses and imagination are totally engaged in creating vocal sound, whilst focusing on a given note, image or word. This requires many hours of dedicated work with a teacher who is able to sing.
  • Phil Timberlake
    Phil Timberlake
    Singer, Actor, Voice Trainer
    Lives inChicago, USA
    Singing is Connection: to self, to others, to the world.
  • Ralf Peters
    Ralf Peters
    Voice and Performance Artist, Philosopher, Listener
    Lives inCologne, Germany
    The human voice is a role model for the search of a new and better relationship between humanity and the non-human world.
  • Renata Roagna
    Renata Roagna
    Actress, Singer, Voice teacher
    Lives inMontpellier, France
    In order to soar up into the sky we need a strong grip on the ground, good energy, a lot of confidence, relaxation and vigour, full openess and imagination. ... to go further into space and at the same time closer to oneself so that the whole human being finds freedom and joy in an authentic, artistic vocal act.
  • Richard Armstrong
    Richard Armstrong
    Teacher, Director, Performer
    Lives inNew York City, USA
  • Suzanne Lafontaine
    Suzanne Lafontaine
    Voice teacher, singer, performer
    Lives inSherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
    To sing, it’s to dare to be yourself, to let your own music sing. Offer without losing yourself. An act of freedom, truly human, that changes you. A beautiful risk, to be fully alive.


  • Agnes Pollner
    Agnes Pollner
    Voice teacher, performance artist, singer
    Lives inLives in Köln (Germany)
  • Beñat Achiary
    Beñat Achiary
    Singer, musician, teacher
    Lives inBayonne, France
  • Bernhard Labus
    Bernhard Labus
    musician, singer, Alexander Technique Teacher
    Lives inLiving in Munich, Germany
  • Joana Carvalho
    Joana Carvalho
    PsychoEnergetics therapist and teacher, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, yoga and meditation teacher
    Lives inLisbon, Portugal
  • Natacha Crawford
    Natacha Crawford
    Singer/musician, voice and singing teacher, choir director
    Lives inLiving in Madrid, Spain
  • Neil Paris
    Neil Paris
    Performer, Teacher, Director
    Lives inNorfolk UK
  • Siham Mehaimzi
    Siham Mehaimzi
    Clinical psychologist, author, writing coach
    Lives inAlès, France
  • Siobhán McCann
    Siobhán McCann
    Executive Coach, Teacher, Leadership Development Consultant
    Lives inMontreal, Canada
  • Teresa Brayshaw
    Teresa Brayshaw
    Theatre Artist/ Feldenkrais Teacher/ Writer
    Lives inManchester, UK
  • Toni Cafiero
    Toni Cafiero
    Theatre director, Teacher
    Lives inMontpellier, France
  • Zoé Perret
    Zoé Perret
    Singer, Voice teacher, Choir director
    Lives inToulouse, France


  • Costanza Amici
    Costanza Amici
    Voice teacher, medical anthropologist, ethnoclinical mediator.
    Lives inPerugia, Italy
  • Sarmen Almond
    Sarmen Almond
    Musician, & Voice Performer, Intermedia Artist. Voice Educator.
    Lives inMexico City
  • Stacie Dunlop
    Stacie Dunlop
    Performer, Teacher, Producer
    Lives inToronto, Canada
  • Susan Bamford Caleo
    Susan Bamford Caleo
    Performer, Singer, Voice Teacher, Song-writer
    Lives inMelbourne, Australia


Teachers Week in Malérargues, March 2017
All photos © Ivan Midderigh 2017

Teachers Week in Malérargues, March 2016
All photos © Ivan Midderigh 2016