Agnès Dumouchel

Voice teacher, Actress and Storyteller
Lives in Gap, France
Has worked with the Roy Hart Theatre (before 1991)
Roy Hart Voice teacher since 1982

In the Roy Hart Theatre I learned to listen to the body, the voice and the presence of the Other. When I teach I become the mirror, the resonator, and I let my feelings come. We move forward together. With or without the piano. Something happens that has to do with magic, birth, the realm of fancy. It is different for everyone. A philosophy? I don’t know. For me, it’s more a practice by which I nurture the meeting of the Other, and of oneself, in the moment.

From early childhood, Agnès Dumouchel is fascinated by language. And by travelling. She successfully obtains an agrégation in modern languages and teaches French literature in England, Morocco and Moscow. In 1978, she becomes involved in theatre after meeting the Roy Hart Theatre in the Cévennes. After spending ten years in Malérargues, and a brief sojourn in Italy, she moves to the Hautes Alpes and creates a theatre option in a secondary school to help teenagers discover contemporary theatre. At the same time, she develops her interest in storytelling and writes her own material, without giving up theatre. This melding can be seen in one of her more recent shows in which she interprets Violette Ailhaud’s ‘Homme Semence’ (Editions Parole).


E-Mail: agnesdumouchel@gmail.com
More on Agnès Dumouchel, www.agnes-dumouchel.com

‘Le Travail sur la voix au Roy Hart Théâtre’ – Revue DRAILLES juin 87
‘Raconter, comment dire?’ – Revue PRATIQUES CORPORELLES juin 92
‘Le Conte est un objet magique’ – Revue VARIÉTÉS 6 – Le Passage du Conte à Turin – juin 92
‘Comment apprendre un conte?’ – Revue DANS LE VIVIER DU CONTE N°16 octobre 97
‘Le travail du conteur’ – BLA (Bulletin de liaison de l’ANCEF Association Nationale des Conteurs d’En France) octobre 2000
‘Le Monde à l’endroit et le monde à l’envers’ – Revue CULTURE CLOWN janvier 2001
‘Le Clown face aux contes’ – Revue CULTURE CLOWN juillet 2008
‘Dans la grotte la glotte grelotte : le travail de la voix au Roy Hart Théâtre’ – Revue LA GRANDE OREILLE n°62, sept 2015

– ‘L’Homme semence’, Editions Parole – www.editions-parole
– ‘Au plus près des Etoiles’, Editions Ouï Dire – www.oui-dire-editions.fr/
– ‘Palabrages en Terre gardoise’, Editions Ouï Dire – http://www.oui-dire-editions.fr/

Videos on www.agnes-dumouchel.com,
‘L’Homme Semence’ at Arts du Récit à Grenoble (34)
‘L’Homme Semence’ at Village du Poil (04)
‘Folies d’Amours’ at Briançon (05)

Other videos, http://vimeopro.com/sonart/agnes-dumouchel