Workshops at Malérargues

Year Groups

Spring 2025

Summer 2025

Autumn / Winter 2025

Independent Workshops Outside Malérargues

Please note all workshops outside of Malérargues are organized independently of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart.


In-depth studies

The Roy Hart International Arts Centre (CAIRH) offers possibilities for deepening the practice and philosophy of vocal expression inherited from Alfred Wolfsohn and Roy Hart. There is no single, prescribed curriculum, and each teacher offers a view of the work built through his or her own experience. The primary source and common heritage comes from many decades of experiential research into the human voice and its connection to the individual. There are multiple avenues for those who have already had significant experience with the voice work and who seek to go further. Access to in-depth training groups is made by selection and each one offers an attestation of completion of their particular training.


After extensive work in one or more of these training groups, or through individualized work, a person may request to be nominated by a senior teacher of the CAIRH to embark on an apprenticeship process leading towards becoming a teacher of the work recognized officially by the CAIRH. Agreement to begin the apprenticeship must be supported by at least two other recognized CAIRH teachers and must include the nomination of at least one senior CAIRH teacher as a mentor. The length and content of the apprenticeship can include various avenues of study and is defined by the mentor’s evaluation of the individual needs of the student. A mentorship fee is established by the CAIRH. The student may begin to teach in the name of the CAIRH upon recommendation by the mentor, with the endorsement of at least four other recognized CAIRH teachers.

Photos from Workshops

Moving your Sound within Musical Shape
Workshop directed by Susanne WEINS & Saso VOLLMAIER
July 2016, Orangerie, Malérargues
Photos © Ivan Midderigh

Voice Dance Space
Workshop directed by Edda HEEG & Rosemarie ANTON
July 2016, Orangerie, Malérargues
Photos © Ivan Midderigh

Your Own Voice on the Threshold of Music
Workshop directed by Walli HOEFINGER & Christiane HOMMELSHEIM
August 2016, Orangerie, Malérargues
Photos © Ivan Midderigh

Year group: Voice in Artistic Expression
directed by Edda HEEG & Walli HOEFINGER
Presentation, June 2016, Orangerie, Malérargues
Photos © David Goldsworthy

Voice Dance Space
Workshop directed by Edda Heeg & Rosemarie Anton
July 2014, Pont des Abarines
Photos © Rosemarie Anton, Edda Heeg