Joana Carvalho

PsychoEnergetics therapist and teacher, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, yoga and meditation teacher
Living in Lisbon, Portugal

I am fascinated by understanding life and human beings and have always felt that there is a oneness and interconnectedness in Life. Initially, a large part of my path was trying to bring some awareness of equality and equanimity as human beings and sentient beings. Today, after a few years of work, I’m passionate about bringing humanity and life as it is into the consulting room. Humanity, which in its complexity and contradiction includes the great mystery of life and the sacred. My work is based on cultivating presence and the ability to accompany others where they are, knowing that in this way we co-create a field of possibilities where change can emerge.

At the age of 19, Joana began her path in yoga as a life psychology. Her work with groups began 24 years ago as a yoga and meditation teacher. She is trained as a sociocultural mediator and began working with groups at risk, social exclusion and addictions, having collaborated with various associations and addiction recovery and treatment centers. Her interest and passion in a body-psyche approach and depth led her to study Traditional Thai Massage and Indian Head Massage, PsychoEnergetics and Transpersonal Psychotherapy.

She works with AlmaSoma, a Transpersonal Psychotherapy school, and with the PsychoEnergetics Training Progam. Joana is a full-time psychotherapist, and facilitates groups, workshops and trainings based on a body-psyche approach both for personal work and training professionals, where she is also a supervisor.

Languages spoken: Portuguese and English

Professional and teaching experience:

– Associations and centers for recovery and treatment of addictions: MAPS, GRATO, New Attitud, Heritage Counseling (2003-2009)

– Yoga and meditation teacher: Float In, Sananda, GCP, Be Active, Bhrami, Sivana, Ginkgo, Just Body, Solinca, Holmes Place, Mega Crack, Lirius, different trainings for psychotherapists (since 2002).

– AlmaSoma Transpersonal Institute: team member and clinical supervisor in TPT – Transpersonal Psychotherapy Techniques (since 2012); part of the organizing committee for Baby Therapy Training (2014-2017); team member of the Integral Development Journey (2016-2017); team member and co teacher in TET – Transpersonal Energy Therapy (since 2015); co teacher in Transpersonal Development Workshops – Remember&Create (2021).

– PsychoEnergetics Training Programme Spain: team member and supervisor (since 2012).

– PsychoEnergetics Workshops: main teacher and supervisor (2017-2020)

– PsychoEnergetics Years of Depth Work Portugal: main teacher and supervisor (since 2020)

– Trees&Cirles Foundation (deep ecology project that aims to facilitate personal work that translates into service and well-being for the planet): board member
