• Listening,
  • Presence,
  • Connection,
  • Improvisation,
  • Risk,
  • Singing
  • Interpretation

Suzanne Lafontaine

Voice teacher, singer, performer
Lives in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

Voice work is for me a space for research and creation where voice, life, and art enrich each other. To let your voice breathe, play, spread, sing what wants to be sung.

By listening and being present, I am with the student, guided by his/her/their body and voice and desires, helping him/her/them to approach what he/she/they are looking for. Each session is unique. An impulse for the direction of a session can be a song or a text to work with, an emotional state, a desire, a question, a vocal improvisation, a dream…

I have trained with the following RHT teachers: Jonathan Hart Makwaia (mentor), Kozana Lucca, Linda Wise, Ian Magilton, Kaya Anderson, Enrique Pardo, Carol Mendelsohn, and Saule Ryan.

Suzanne Lafontaine has been a psychologist, teacher, and mother of two sons. In 1992, she attended a voice workshop with Jennifer Allen, from the Roy Hart Theatre : a fundamental experience that would enlighten the rest of her life. She discovered her voice and the power of voice, as well as a discipline in which human and artistic concerns are linked and also the great joy of singing.
After Jennifer’s death, she continued learning and developing as an artist, a student, and a voice teacher, in Québec, Malérargues, New York, and Mexico.

She has been teaching voice since 2000, through cultural organizations, and to artists or any person interested in voice work. She gives concerts (songs in French mainly, as well as in spanish and English) and initiates projects with artists of other disciplines. She has written two plays where voice and music have a central place.

Suzanne teaches in French and English

Workshops: creative voices, voice and nature, voice and movement, voice and storytelling, song interpretation.
