Bernhard Labus

Songwriter, Singer, Musician and Music Teacher
Living in Munich, Germany.
Writing a song for me is a magical moment and experience. It is like giving birth to something that somehow already exists and is longing to be brought to life. Everytime I find myself in this process, I feel joy and excitement.
Helping other people to create their own piece of music, finding what encourages them to start this journey and helping them to “unlearn” obstacles which keep them from allowing a playful creativity to flow is a great work for me to do in a workshop.
Bernhard Labus, songwriter, musician, singer and music teacher has been working and performing in this field since 2003. Since 2018 he is giving workshops on songwriting. After he met the Roy Hart voice work in Malérargues 2014 he participated in many workshops and worked with different teachers such as Walli Höfinger, Jonathan Hart, Edda Heeg, Orly Asody, Ivan Midderigh, Ian Magilton, Kaya Anderson, Linda Wise, Pascale Ben, Saule Ryan and more.
Bernhard is also a certified Alexander Technique teacher.

He speaks English, German, French (rudimentary)
