The CAIRH news

Dear friends,

As another year draws to a close, we have much to celebrate and be grateful for, not least the return in great number to Malérargues of teachers, stagiaires, artists, and friends, to sing and create together.

We’re delighted to announce that the 2024 workshop schedule is now online and we encourage you to sign up soon.

We ask too that you consider lending your support to our fundraising campaign to preserve and make accessible to the public the extensive Wolfsohn, Hart, and Roy Hart Theatre archives.

2024 is a very special jubilee year, marking the 50th anniversary of the Roy Hart Theatre in Malérargues and we invite you to come celebrate with us!

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season and a gentle and healthy transition into the new year. We look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you back to Malérargues!


The Board of Directors of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart
Siobhán, Doug, Mariane, Laurent, Maryline, and Davide

For enquiries, feedback, to propose a contribution to our next newsletter, or to volunteer for the team, please contact Siobhán McCann at

What news?

2024 Workshop Program

Faire un don au CairhOur workshop programme is online and enrollment is open. As we continue to extend our season, the workhops begin in March and will run through the Spring, Summer, and Autumn until the end of November, with the annual New Year’s Eve workshop in December as usual.

Although our workshop fees have remained unchanged for many, many years, the cost of running our programmes has increased greatly over time and we have had to make the difficult decision to make a small increase to the fees this year, in order to continue to provide you with the quality of teaching and care that you have come to appreciate at the centre.
We look forward to welcoming you back in 2024 to explore your voices.

For the full programme of workshops please click here

Archives Fundraising Campaign

Levée de fonds pour les archives du CairhThe Centre Artistique International Roy Hart has launched a fundraising campaign to preserve, digitize, and make more accessible its considerable archives.

This is a turning point in curating the historical legacy of the Roy Hart Theatre and the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, as well as for its accessibility to the world and its transmission for generations to come.

It enables us to employ technology and the vast reach of the internet to make this priceless heritage more accessible internationally. Our public – students, researchers, teachers, vocal artists and practitioners, theatre goers and lovers of a great story – will be able to access a wide range of written, audio, photo, and video material.

There will also be an online version of Ivan Midderigh’s forthcoming book tracing the visual history from Alfred Wolfsohn’s visionary approach to the voice, to Roy Hart and Roy Hart Theatre’s expansion of that intuition to its present day embodiment in the CAIRH : a hundred years of photos, programs, and posters, underscored with an audio narrative.

This history that these archives represent is our legacy and we ask you to help us to reach our goal of putting this legacy online and accessible by the public by 2025.
Your generosity will help to ensure the preservation and accessibility to the public of the material legacies of Alfred Wolfsohn, Roy Hart, the Roy Hart Theatre, and the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart.

For further information or to contribute to our appeal, please click here.

For any questions or to support our efforts in any other way please contact

Our new Board of Directors

At the Annual General Meeting on October 15, 2023, Véronique Tacont announced her decision not to stand for re-election as President. We would like to take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to Véronique for the enormous work she has accomplished for the CAIRH during her presidency, notably in bringing new energy and direction to the development of our association for the future. We look forward to seeing Véronique in and around Malérargues, and wish her every success in her future endeavours.

We also welcomed a new member to the Board of Directors: Douglas MacArthur. Actor, singer/songwriter, director, voice and acting teacher, and Associate Professor in the Department of Drama at the University of Lethbridge (Canada), Douglas has been an associate member of our association for many years, and actively participates in the Advanced pedagogical group, as well as in numerous volunteer activities.

In the meantime, Costanza Amici has resigned from her position on the Board in order to focus on her health. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the immense investment she has made in the CAIRH over the past three years, in her role as Secretary, which requires considerable commitment.

The Board of Directors now comprises:
– Maryline Guitton : President
– Douglas Mac Arthur : Secretary
– Laurent Stéphan : Assistant Secretary
– Davide Maffeo : Treasurer
– Siobhán McCann
– Mariane Siem

Maryline Guitton, Roy Hart Center

President: Maryline Guitton
Maryline joined the Board of Directors in 2019 and served as Treasurer 2021-2023. In November 2023, she assumed the role of President.

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Douglas MacArthur, Membre du Conseil d’Administration

Secretary: Douglas MacArthur
Douglas was elected member and Secretary of the Board in 2023.

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Laurent Stephan Board of Directors Conseil d'Administration Centre Artistique International Roy Hart

Assistant Secretary: Laurent Stéphan
Laurent was a first-time CAIRH Board member 2015-2016 and was re-elected to the Board in 2021. He assumed the role of Assistant Secretary in December 2023.

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Davide Maffeo Conseil d'administration Centre Artistique International RoY HarT

Treasurer: Davide Maffeo
Davide was elected to the Board of Directors in 2022 and assumed the role of Treasurer in November 2023.

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Siobhan McCann Conseil d'Administration Centre Artistique International Roy Hart

Member: Siobhán McCann
Siobhán was elected to the Board of Directors in 2021 and has been web coordinator since 2022.

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Mariane Siem Board of Directors Conseil d'Administration Centre Artistique International Roy Hart

Member: Mariane Siem
Mariane was elected to the Board of Directors in 2022.

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What are we celebrating?

2024 Jubilee: the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Roy Hart Theatre in Malérargues


We look forward to a very special jubilee year in 2024 celebrating 50 years since the arrival of what became known as “the first 49”.

In the summer of 1973, Lucienne Deschamps, together with Viviane Young and Davide Crawford first set eyes and hearts on Malérargues, the future home of the Roy Hart Theatre, now the world renowned Centre Artistique International Roy Hart dedicated to the transmission and research of work on the human voice without boundaries.

On July 1st 1974, the “magnificent seven” pioneers with big visions and brave voices, including Johannes Theron and Rafael Lopez Barrantes, arrived in Malérargues to begin the enormous work of renovating the property to make it liveable. From June 25 to July 1, 2024 we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of this pivotal moment in history, with a reunion of the members of the “First 49” who arrived in groups of three and four over the following months and were finally all reunited in April 1975.

They will return to Malérargues to teach workshops and masterclasses, to perform, to exchange, and to celebrate the fruits of their efforts and the future of their legacy in collaboration with the new generations of teachers, students, researchers, and residents of Malérargues. Saule Ryan, Ian Magilton, David Goldsworthy, Kevin Crawford, Margaret Pikes, and Pascale Ben will all offer morning workshops. Lucienne Deschamps, Stephen Rivers-Moore, Penelope Kreitzer, Ivan Midderigh, Rafael Lopez Barrantes, and others will offer afternoon masterclasses and/or presentations, and there will be performances in the evenings presented by Kaya Anderson, Pascale Ben, Lucienne Deschamps, Stephen Rivers-Moore, and Daniel Rivers-Moore, in collaboration with others. Ivan will also be curating a photographic exhibition for the event and we’re even reserving a few surprises to be announced closer to the dates!

This will be a unique opportunity for all students and teachers of the voice work in the Wolfsohn, Hart and Roy Hart Theatre tradition to meet and work with the first generation.

The workshops will be online for enrollment shortly, along with the full programme of activities and performances. Stay tuned!

For any inquiries please contact festival organizers Ivan Midderigh at or Siobhán McCann at

       Chateau de Malérargues 1974

Cheers to our new octogenarian!

Happy birthday Ian!

Happy birthday Ian!

Ian Magilton is 80! Founding member of the Roy Hart Theatre, actor, director, recipient of the 1985 OBIE award in New York, author of “Roy Hart Theatre at Malérargues”, property manager of Malérargues, artist, and beloved teacher, neighbour and friend, Ian Magilton celebrated his 80th birthday on December 11th in Salamander – the famous dining room of the château de Malérargues that has borne witness to so many historic occasions over the centuries. By all reports it was a memorable evening and we wish Ian health, joy, and aliveness for many, many more happy returns of the day.


Please note that an article in our last newsletter erroneously identified Benjamin Rivers as Israeli. Benjamin is in fact a dual citizen of Australia and the United Kingdom. Please accept our humble apologies Ben!

Happy holidays and happy new year to one and all!

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