Maryline Guitton
President of the Board of Directors
Maryline is a singer, performer and voice teacher. Before becoming an artist and teacher, she obtained a Master’s degree in Religious Studies from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and worked as a journalist specialising in religious affairs. She volunteered in different associations for many years, in the arts (Cineclub at University Paris Sorbonne), ecology (AMAP) and spirituality (Shambhala, Amma).
She first experienced the Roy Hart Centre voice work in 2003 and it changed her life. She started working with Pantheatre in Paris and later took many workshops with various teachers at Malérargues. She completed teacher training and in 2012 became an affiliate teacher at the Roy Hart Centre.
Shortly after she arrived in Malérargues, she started volunteering: in the kitchen, on the administrative side with Office Manager Béatrice David, and contributing content and translation for the website. She was the CAIRH website coordinator from 2018 to 2022. She entered the Conseil d’Administration in 2019 and served as Treasurer 2021-2023. In 2023 she assumed the role of President.