This video is published with the kind permission of Clément Caudal

This video is published with the kind permission of Clément Caudal

This video has been posted with the kind permission of Clément Caudal

Malérargues Today

When the Roy Hart Theatre came to Malérargues in 1974, the dream was to create a living theatre of reflection, research, creation, and recreation ‘away from the world’. The world has changed so much since that time and on many levels our revolution of the extended human voice has succeeded. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the alienation of the individual from soul, and art from life. Healing that gap is still the centre of the work and the inspiration of the theatre at Malérargues.

Film by © Clément Caudal, 2019. All rights reserved.

Where there once was a tightly-knit hermetic group of 49 individuals, Malérargues is now a centre and nucleus for a worldwide association of thousands, interested in furthering the heritage of the theatre. Most active during the summer months, Malérargues is nevertheless alive year round with rehearsals, performances, workshops, open classes, and residencies for creation and study. The dream is still alive and well.

Accommodation at Malérargues

Students are housed in simple but comfortable shared rooms (called gîtes) with two, three, or four beds, shared bathrooms (showers), and two equipped kitchens. Sheets and blankets are provided.
Should you wish to reserve accommodation for your stay, please specify this upon enrollment by filling in the accompanying form and include payment for the total amount.

Price: 22 € per night (27 € with heating).

Please note:
1) we do not make reservations for participants wishing to stay outside the Centre.
2) single, private rooms are not available.
For residencies and longer stays it may be possible to rent apartments in the Château – these too also get booked early, especially during the summer season.

You can see pictures of Malérargues here >>

There is also a private residential flat with a piano in the château that is available for couples to rent. If you are interested, please click here >>



Please use the form below to make payments to the CAIRH via Paypal.

If your payment is not related to a workshop, please chose “Other Payment” and provide further details in the Info (information) field below.

Cheque (French banks only)

You can also send a cheque payable to the CAIRH. Please note that we can only accept cheques drawn on French banks.
Centre Artistique International Roy Hart
Chateau de Malérargues
F-30140 Thoiras

Wire Transfer

CIC Lyonnaise de banque
IBAN: FR7610096182750001729520246


La Salindre / Soudorgues (8 km from the Center)
Tansen R. Mundt, Maria Bernhold, Tel. (+33) 4 66 85 23 51 /

Gîte rural Calviac / (3 km from the Center)
Mr Jacques SOULIER Tel : (+33) 4 66 85 12 48 / 06 77 79 59 11

“Au Ruisseau de Rose’ (Chambres d’hôtes) St Jean du Gard (10 km from the Center)
Tel : (+33) 4 66 54 51 07 or 

‘Le Mas du Martinet’ (Chambres d’hôtes) Thoiras (3 km from the Center)
Tel : (+33) 6 07 54 61 57 or  Email:

‘La Cure’ Gite d’étape/ Lasalle (5 km from the Center)
Tel : (+33) 6 30 47 82 62


Filament/Cap Fun (2 km)
Tél: (+33) 4 66 85 20 52

La Salendrinque (Lasalle 4 km)
Tél: (+33) 4 66 85 24 57 / fax (+33) 4 66 85 41 50

Le Campement (3 km) Calviac
Tél. (+33) 4 66 85 13 58

Lou Cantou, Les Hauts de Labahou, 30140 Anduze(12 km)
Tél : (+33) 7 67 92 42 42

Sourire du Sud (mini camping ) Le Dansadou, 30140 CORBES (10 km) Tél : (+33) 06 79 99 98 85

Check before coming


English and French are spoken at Malérargues in addition to some Italian, Spanish, and German. However, it is a good idea to know some basic French phrases when traveling in this area of France, although the locals are quite accommodating to outsiders trying to make themselves understood in French.

Internet Connection

Malérargues has a wireless internet connection, which you may connect to for free during your stay. You need a laptop with the ability to connect to a wifi system. Please learn how to connect your laptop to wifi before your visit. Our office staff are often too busy to provide a lot of help with this, especially in summer.


Please note that Malérargues has no public payphone and cell reception is poor and unreliable unless you are connecting to the Orange network. In addition, the office landline is reserved for use by students in the case of emergencies only.

Food Shopping and Markets

There are no shops in Malérargues. We therefore suggest that those staying here please plan accordingly and eat before you arrive or bring enough food for the evening and/or breakfast on your first day. In the south of France most shops and services are closed daily from 12 to 2 or 3pm and re-open until 7pm (except on Wednesdays and Sundays). On Saturdays some close for the day at noon.

Intermarché is the nearest supermarket (on the way from Anduze to Malérargues) with good fresh fish, its own bakery, and a petrol pump. It is open Sunday mornings until noon.

SuperU in Anduze is another alternative offering the same services, open all day Friday and Saturday, but closed on Sundays.

Utile in Lasalle is a smaller family-run grocery store offering friendly service and organic local produce. It is open Sunday mornings.

Terroir des Cévennes sells local produce in Thoiras, about 5 minutes by car from Malérargues. Here you can buy quality cheese, wine, bread, meat, and locally grown produce. There is also a selection of local art and handicrafts for sale. Open on Sundays but closed for lunch from 1 to 3pm.

Dietétique au Bien-être in Anduze is a nearby health-food store.

There is a Farmers Market in Lasalle every Monday morning until noon and in Anduze on Thursday.


Les 3 Barbus at Générargues. Perched on the side of a cliff overlooking a gorge. You can also use their swimming pool during the lunch service in summer.
Tel. (+33) 4 66 61 72 12

Auberge de Valestalière. Located in the old village school house, you can almost imagine that you can see the sea from the terrace.
Tel. (+33) 4 6685 45 79

La Grange de Labahou. Good food and a good selection of regional wines for reasonable prices.
Tel. (+33) 4 66 61 98 25

CVN pizza truck in Lasalle. Parked opposite the garage in Lasalle, Thursday to Sunday evenings.
Tel. 06 85 29 06 51

Post Office

The nearest one is in Lasalle.


Taxis Lasalle :
Mr Thérond-Flavier Tél : (+33) 4 66 85 21 84
Alès :
TAXI ALES : Tél : (+33) 4 66 52 39 39 ou 06 12 10 98 98
GIE-ABC / ALES TAXI : Tél : (+33) 4 66 52 90 09

Malérargues is situated 4 km from the village of Lasalle and 12 km from Anduze in the Cévennes mountains in the south of France. There is public transport from Nîmes (twice a day and once on Sundays and holidays). A rented car is very usefull. If you use public transport, follow these three steps.

1. First, get to Nîmes. By Plane: The nearest international airports are Montpellier Meditéranné and Nîmes/Arles. Both have connexions to Nîmes train station. Try Ryan Air for inexpensive tickets, even if you have to fly via London. By Bus: This way is often cheaper and sometimes faster than by train or air, and there is a good bus station in Nîmes behind the train station. Go to: or By Train: Go to: for tickets and booking information or for the most inexpensive tickets from Paris or Trainline There are also good rail connexions to Alès from Nîmes

2. Then, get to Thoiras. Take the bus to St Jean du Gard from Nîmes or Alès. Ask to get off at the ‘Gare de Thoiras’. Timetables are available on the site: . If you miss the bus in Nîmes, take the bus or train to Alès, and then take a bus to Thoiras or taxi to Malérargues or arrange a pickup (see step 3).

3. And last, to get to Malérargues. There are two options. Pick-up by car: Usually available if you are in Thoiras or, exceptionally, if you are in Alès (and for a fee to help pay for gas). Please contact the Centre office in advance (tel. +33 4 66 85 45 98).

Go for a walk in the beautiful mountains. There are trails throughout the Cévennes and all around Malérargues.

Eat and drink well. This is France.

Most towns are tourist friendly and there are many shops to visit and events to attend especially in the summer. Check in the office for upcoming events. There are quite a few museums and historical sites in the area as well as the oldest synagogue in Western Europe in Sauve.

Set aside time to visit Nîmes and Montpellier. The south of France has some of the best preserved Roman remains in Europe, and some, like the arena in Nîmes, are still in use.

And remember that the Mediterranean is less than an hour and a half away. The coast here is rather undiscovered compared to other parts of France.

You can also go horseback riding near Malérargues.

Extended stays

International and intercultural exchanges are also possible.
For further information please contact Anita Roksvåg.

Extended stays



Board of Directors


Funded by the European Union through the ERASMUS + program, this project runs over a period of two years. The very first work session took place in Malérargues and the teaching team representing the Roy Hart Voice Centre (Carol Mendelsohn, Saule Ryan and Laurent Stéphan) lauched the dynamic by facilitating a working atmosphere conducive to everyone getting involved and giving the best of him/her/their self. The participants attested unanimously to a successful week’s work and to feeling enriched by this human, bodily, and vocal experience, with a strong desire to meet again and collaborate.

More infos

How to support the CAIRH

As a non-profit organization under the French Association 1901 law, the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart may receive financial donations. We welcome your financial support via general once-off or monthly donations or through your participation in our fundraising campaign to preserve and digitize our considerable archives and render them accessible to the public.

Tax receipts will be issued for all donations entitling French taxpayers to a deduction on their returns.

Faire un don au Cairh
Levée de fonds pour les archives du Cairh

Archives fundraising campaign

The Centre Artistique International Roy Hart has launched a major fundraising campaign to fund the conservation of our archives and the creation of a dedicated website for online research. Please give generously.