Susanne Feld

Alexander Technique teacher, Gestalt therapist, Musician and Vision Quest Guide
Lives in Berlin, Germany

What happens, when we pay attention to the moments of transistion? What happens, when we slow down and become aware of the spaces in between? What do transitions, with our bodies and with our perception, do with all of who we are and our voices?

How does the sense of the bigger picture, including the land that we are part of, the places, space and other than human beings, inform our way of being in our bodies, our aliveness, the sound that we are, dance and share?

How does the listening and our relating, that is happening all of the time, inform our own embodied song, sound, dance? How does touch come into play?

How can we find a sense of belonging and home in the moment to moment flow of perception and expression?
How would I walk, sound, move and express with a greater sense of belonging?

These and many more questions along those lines can be little or big doors through which I love exploring and deepening the waters of the unknown – which I believe we need to tap into, if we want to allow the new, the not yet known (yet sometimes deeply familiar) to happen. Be it in sound or life in general. I look forward to diving in and play!

Susanne is an Alexander Technique teacher, Gestalt therapist, Musician and Vision Quest Guide.
She accompanies people trough times of transition, exploring the often unmet richness in those in-between spaces and times.
With over 20 years of experience in the field of holistic embodiment, co-founding and running the Center for the Alexander Technique in Berlin Mitte, she has been sharing her work in lots of one on one Sessions, Workshops and Retreats. Since 2013 she has been co-creating many intensive retreats together with Leonie von Arnim. She co-founded the Mindful Music Making in 2018.
Alongside running Vision Quests, she also supports youth orchestras to stay healthy in a world of pressure.
She speaks English and German.
