Plaskdamm trio


Petra Håkansson, Yann Rullière and Renaud Gerin

Date / Time:
Aug, 13th 9PM, at the château of Malérargues, Thoiras

12€ full price
10€ reduced price

Plaskdamm- literally “ paddling pool” in Swedish -is as its name suggests a place where the imaginary explores what is possible: the watering can can become a dragon there, a sailing boat and even a trumpet… Making a fire with any wood is the aim of this trio . Taking as a starting point in an unexpected and jubilant manner some of the biggest standards in music – jazz, pop, folk,trad, brazilian….

Petra Håkansson: voice
Yann Rullière: guitar
Renaud Gerin: drums

Contact / Reservations:
Art’com 09 67 07 03 70
Tickets on site 30 minutes before the show

Plaskdamm Trio - Petra Håkansson