Tilde van Haaster

Singer, theatre director/teacher and a voice teacher
Living in Holland

“The most important thing to me in Estill Voice Training is the relationship of the vocal cords to our breathing. That we are able to control the closure of the vocal cords, instead of controlling the breath is such a revelation, and for our breathing such a relief .”

Tilde is a singer, theatre director, theatre teacher and a voice teacher. She is Certified Master Teacher Estill Voice Training. She studied theatre and singing in the nineties in Holland, but was disappointed with the ‘classical’ approach to the spoken voice and to singing, as she was drawn to jazz, soul-music and physical theatre. It came therefore as a discovery to meet and study with Roy Hart Theatre, and  find what she was looking for: “the voice as the muscle of the soul”. Subsequently she taught for a decade in a professional acting school helping actors to free their voices. During this period, she was introduced to the Estill Voice Training and she realised that this method gave her a clear system to work with. The ability to control detailed movements of the vocal mechanism gave her the precise tools she was looking for to further her work on the human voice. Estill Voice Training, for Tilde, is not a prescriptive method for producing an ‘ideal sound’ but is simply a means of clarifying and making conscious the vocal act, and in so doing, it liberates us. She graduated as an Estill Master Teacher in 2013, and now runs her own singing school, “Siren” in the Netherlands.

Website : https://www.zangschoolsirene.nl