• Sympathy
  • Resonance
  • Listening
  • Connecting

Caroline Boersma

Cellist, Baroque and Classical, Workshop Facilitator
Living in Capolona (Italy)

In my workshops ‘Your voice – My cello’, I help participants to discover their vocal potential through the vibrational power of the cello. Sympathetic resonance occurs between the instrument and the voice creating an atmosphere where the participants can find creative release through text and song.

Born in Amsterdam, Caroline studied Cello at the Amsterdam Conservatory before moving to Italy, where she has played for a wide variety of ensembles and orchestras including the Symphonic Orchestra Santa Cecilia in Rome. As well as her career as a cellist she has collaborated in music-theatre performances in Italy, the United States, France and Holland. Currently, she is facilitating workshops “Your voice – My cello” in a wide variety of settings.

Caroline speaks English, Italian and Dutch


Email address: carolineaboersma@gmail.com

Jouw stem – Mijn cello (Your voice – My cello)

Tripla Concordia
Website of her Baroque Ensemble: www.triplaconcordia.it