Vollmaier Plays Laibach – Work in Progress

Concert – Piano

Sašo Vollmaier

Date, Time, Place
Friday, August 2nd, 2019. 9PM, Magnanerie

45 min.

Between 2008 and 2013, Sašo Vollmaier collaborated intensively with the Slovenian avant-garde music group Laibach, which toured worldwide and acquired international fame.

This solo project ‘Vollmaier Plays Laibach’ is based on Laibach’s music. Sašo rearranged their music especially for the piano. This work in progress also includes some of Sašo’s personal compositions. He is preparing several concerts with this solo project for 2020.

Sašo Vollmaier is a pianist and composer from Slovenia who has a long-term artistic and personal relationship with the Roy Hart Theater. He is the music director of several performances featuring Roy-Hart teachers, including “Generation”, with several founding members.