The Dream of a Dance
Between theater dance and chant, tragedy and humour, shadow and light
‘A time came, where to stay cramped in a bud was more painful than to take the risk to open’
Anaïs Nin
A piece written and performed by Hélène Larrodé
directed by Linda Wise
Date / Time
Friday 9th August, 9PM, Magnanerie (Malérargues)
60 minutes
This piece presents the intimate story of a woman, through the psychiatric troubles she encounters to the discovering of dance, who shares her questions about the borders between dream, madness and ‘reality’. She composes, with text, singing, dance and a fierce humour, an upsetting tribute to resilience. This singular blend, both disarming and explosive, takes us into an journey of initiation which gives us the opportunity to expand the frame of ‘normality’.
Trained in California at the Tamalpa Institute with Anna Halprin, a pionnier in the use of dance and performance, as a way to personal and collective transformation and social link.
Contact / Links
Hélène Larrodé