Musical performance based on the text written by Veronique Bergen
Viviane Gay and Pascal Corriu
Date / Time:
30th of July, 9PM, at the château of Malérargues, Thoiras
12€ full price
10€ reduced price
In this recital, the electric guitar and the voice engage in a body to body combat to revive the repertoire and the fury of Janis. The actress-singer, word passer, of acting word, invites us to take a colorful journey impregnated with beatnik literary culture. For the length of a set, we evolve in the live universe of Joplin. Through her biography and her memory, it is the present moment that we share, like a waking dream that penetrates with rage the world of today.
Patrick Delattre for the original musical creation of the show
Geoffroy Rondeau for his artistic collaboration
ABC Theatre Chaux de Fonds , Switzerland
Production Company Patte Blanche
Contact / Reservations:
Art’com 09 67 07 03 70
Tickets available on site 30 minutes before the show