Workshop for French speakers only.
La voix parlée et chantée ouvre des espaces d’exploration et d’expression inouïes. Invitation donc à s’aventurer dans cette multitude de registres en toute liberté, et aussi à intégrer des repères de techniques vocales pour enrichir conscience et mémoire corporelles. Texte ou chanson que vous aurez choisi-e et mémorisé-e, seront mis en chantier créatif au cours d’ateliers, où seront sollicité-e-s présence à soi-même et aux autres, écoute et esprit d’aventure.
La méthode élaborée par Moshé Feldenkrais, qui lui a donné son nom, permet à chacun d’explorer ce qu’il n’a pas souvent l’habitude d’explorer. Il s’agit de prendre le temps d’être conscient de ses mouvements et petit à petit, de les améliorer. Il s’agit également de connecter progressivement les différentes parties de son corps. Le travail se fait debout, assis, ou allongé au sol sur un tapis. Chaque cours d’environ 1 heure par jour a lieu dans une grande salle, et invite le plus souvent à ces trois positions. Découverte et prise de conscience de soi peuvent finalement nous étonner, enrichir notre confort dans la vie quotidienne, et même quelquefois nous conduire à la joie. Dans ce stage, chaque personne va explorer à la fois ses propres voix et l’attention à ses propres mouvements et les relier à sa façon propre.
Pour plus d’information sur la méthode Feldenkrais, contactez directement Agnès Dumouchel
Marianne Le Tron
Artist, actor-singer, guide/mentor for the sung and spoken voice
Lives in Thoiras, France
Has been part of Roy Hart Theatre since 1978
Teacher since 1982
Since I first met the Roy Hart Theatre in 1978, voice has become my life-companion, the measure of both my personal and artistic work, and my inspiration.
Over time and meetings (with dance, movement, traditional singing, clowning, painting, writing, fasciatherapy), I have built my own way of using the voice in work, play and creative production, relying on the invaluable inheritance of the research of Alfred Wolfsohn and Roy Hart and all those who came after them. From the singing voice to the spoken voice, I'm connected with many artistic disciplines and socio-cultural backgrounds. I connect my teaching to the enlightening person-centred listening of Carl Rogers, and the opening of creative spaces of Authentic Movement.
Agnès Dumouchel
Voice teacher, Actress and Storyteller
Lives in Gap, France
Has worked with the Roy Hart Theatre (before 1991)
Roy Hart Voice teacher since 1982
In the Roy Hart Theatre I learned to listen to the body, the voice and the presence of the Other. When I teach I become the mirror, the resonator, and I let my feelings come. We move forward together. With or without the piano. Something happens that has to do with magic, birth, the realm of fancy. It is different for everyone. A philosophy? I don’t know. For me, it's more a practice by which I nurture the meeting of the Other, and of oneself, in the moment.
Workshop enrolment is confirmed only upon receipt of deposit.
- Upon submission of the enrolment form below, a deposit of 120 euros per workshop is required, as well as payment in full for accommodation. Please pay your deposit within four days or enrolment will be automatically cancelled. Accommodation bookings will only be taken into account once payment has been received.
- Unless otherwise specified, workshop fees do not include meals. Shared kitchens are available for the use of workshop participants.
- For a refund in the event of cancellation, the deadline for withdrawing from a workshop is 30 days before the workshop is scheduled to begin. A €30 administrative fee will be charged for all cancellations. We regret that deposits are non-refundable within 30 days of the first day of a workshop.
- In the event of low enrolment, the centre reserves the right to cancel a workshop and any deposit can be transferred to another workshop, or fully refunded.
- The Centre Artistique International Roy Hart is an association under French law and all workshop participants must therefore be members. The annual membership dues are €30.
La Salindre / Soudorgues (8 km from the Centre)
Tansen R. Mundt, Maria Bernhold – Tel. (+33) 4 66 85 23 51 /
Gîte rural Calviac / (3 km from the Centre)
Mr Jacques SOULIER – Tel : (+33) 06 77 79 59 11
“Au Ruisseau de Rose” (Chambres d’hôtes) St Jean du Gard (10 km from the Centre)
Tel : (+33) 4 66 54 51 07 /
“La Cure” Gite d’étape/ Lasalle (5 km from the Centre)
Tel : (+33) 6 30 47 82 62
Gîtes du Mas de Clarou / Lasalle (5 km from the Centre)
Tel : 07 86 27 03 12 /
Gîtes / Lasalle (5 km from the Centre) /
Gîtes Saint-Jean du Gard (12 km from the Centre) /
Village de gîtes Ravel (14 km from the Centre) Tel: +33 6 87 69 01 63
Filament (2 km)
Tél: (+33) 4 66 85 20 52
La Salendrinque (Lasalle 4 km)
Tél: (+33) 4 66 85 24 57 / fax (+33) 4 66 85 41 50
Le Campement (3 km) Calviac
Tél. (+33) 4 66 85 13 58
Les Hauts de Labahou, RD907, 30140 Anduze
Tél : (+33) 04 66 61 77 90 / 06 03 93 38 88
Sourire du Sud’ (mini camping et gîtes)
Tél (+33) 06 79 99 98 85