• Human Voice

    Directed by Maryline Guitton

    Organized by:Maryline Guitton
    Dates:10.05.2024 -12.05.2024
    Place:Satigny (close to Geneva, Switzerland)
    Price:255€ full price / 180€ reduced price
    Level:Open to all

Please note all workshops outside of Malérargues are organized independently of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart.

Workshop Description:
A workshop focused on body-voice improvisation and singing songs.

All levels, from beginners to performing arts professionals.
This weekend is rooted in the Roy Hart Centre voice work, which embraces the deep connection between the person’s voice and their psyche. We’ll explore the many facets of the voice, on a path of self-knowledge and artistic research.

Booking Information and Contact:
Mail: maryline.guitton@hotmail.fr
More infos: https://marylineguitton.fr/pedagogie/stages-voix-chant/