Renata Roagna
Actress, Singer, Voice teacher
Lives in Montpellier, France
Worked with the Roy Hart Theatre (before 1991)
RH Voice Teacher since 1985
I believe that the voice is rooted in the body, and that the breath carries the voice in space. Careful listening allows the teacher to accompany the pupil on a journey of discovery of their own sounds, where the body, breath, mind, imagination and emotions work together. Each pupil is different, each voice is unique, each teacher also, with his or her own experience and evolution. This is why I think it essential to continue to work on myself, where doubts, questions, research and artistic creation are closely linked.
After training in drama, dance and singing in Turin, Renata Roagna sought other artistic paths and other theatrical and vocal practices. She is especially influenced by working with Zigmunt Molik, (Th. Laboratorium in Wroclaw), and his approach to the voice which departs completely from the aesthetic one and considers the body as an instrument of vibration. It was during this research period in 1981 that she met Roy Hart Theatre and discovered the continuation of her artistic path. In 1983 she became a member of the company and participated in several productions and performances. She began teaching voice in 1985. She continued her training along parallel paths and explored other areas of skills: in opera, traditional song, dance, theatre, deepening her knowledge by working with a speech therapist. As a member of the Amadée company since 1991 she continued her work as actress and singer in several productions, and in collaborations with other artists .
She gives singing lessons and conducts workshop on the voice at ‘Casavoce’ in Montpellier and sings in the vocal trio ‘Milata’.
Renata Roagna trained with Vicente Fuentes, Kaya Anderson, Rossignol, Enrique Pardo and Akhmatova Samuels. She speaks French, Italian and Spanish.
Contact: renataroa@free.fr
Website, Casa Voce, www.casavoce.com
Facebook, Trio Milata, http://urlz.fr/4bWW