Roy Hart International Centre (CAIRH) Privacy Policy
This site complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in the European Union on 25 May, 2018.
Regarding cookies used when browsing our website
Browsing the CAIRH website may result in cookie(s) being installed on your computer. A cookie is a small file that records users’ browsing activity while they visit a site but does not allow the user to be identified. The data thus obtained facilitate subsequent navigation on the site and also measure different aspects of visit frequency. We use Google Analytics. You can withhold permission for your data to be recorded and continue browsing the site. This may have an impact on your browsing experience.
Your subscription to our newsletter
When you sign up for our newsletter you provide us with your email address. Email addresses thus collected are used only to send out the newsletter. They will not be sold to third parties by CAIRH. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time or change your email address by contacting our administrative manager Béatrice David (see below).
Regarding the data you provide when registering for a workshop
When you register for a workshop, we ask you to provide certain personal data. They are required for the smooth organization and running of the workshops. These data are exclusively intended for use by the administration as well as the professors responsible for the workshop you have chosen. We keep your data for the duration of the contractual relationship. This data is erased after a maximum of 1 year.
Data relating to minors
We do not knowingly collect personal data about minors.
Preservation and access to your data
Your data is not shared or transferred to third parties outside CAIRH. In accordance with the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify, delete or transfer your personal data. To do so, please contact the administrative manager Béatrice David (