Trio Plaids

Thursday 6 July 2023, at 8pm
Season opening, followed by a show by the Plaids trio

Plaids is a musical invitation to an inner journey, a suspended moment from which we come out rested, soothed or simply softer.

Perrine Fallek, Juliette Flipo and Yoann Jouneau


We invite you to create and share a gentle bubble, a place where you can relax for a while before before leaving again stronger to face the storms of your “real world”.

Because a plaid rug is reassuring. It’s a cocoon in which you wrap yourself for warmth or comfort. It’s a cuddle that you give yourself, a sheltered and ephemeral world, and at the same time a fragile and indestructible bubble.

This show is a collection and rearrangement of songs and poems from different horizons. We sing in three voices and in five languages, with a sweetness that is sometimes light or at times melancholic, accompanied by a harp, flutes, or percussion.

Centre Roy Hart
Château de Malérargues
30140 Thoiras

Thursday 6 July 2023, at 8 pm

Full price 15 €
Reduced rate (for unemployed, RSA) 12 €
(cash only)

Art’com 09 67 07 03 70
On-site box office opens 30 minutes before performances