The Voice of the Mermaid

Songs of Desire
A musical journey about becoming human and becoming a woman

Pernille Rübner-Petersen

Date, Time, Place, Duration, Language

4th of August 2017, at 21 h, in the Magnanerie, 60 minutes
Free admission
Performed in English

+33 466 85 45 98

The Mermaid is the main character of the Danish fairy-tale The Little Mermaid (1837), written by H.C. Andersen. She makes the transition from being a mermaid to becoming human. She represents the human experience of becoming human – entering language, the order of society and falling in love. I believe her story is about the human condition to which we all enter when we are born.

Pernille Rübner-Petersen: voice and piano
The concert will feature a variety of songs from my three albums (The Book of the Mermaid, When I Was A Soldier, Becoming Human)
The three albums constitute The Mermaid Trilogy: The Mermaids Box – Metaphors and Metamorphoses


I’m Gonna Love You