Laila Skovmand

Singer, Composer, Voice Teacher
Lives in Aarhus, Denmark
Roy Hart Voice Teacher since 2006

I have a huge passion for the voice which has developed into an eternal exploration of the amazing and manifold expression of the voice.  I specialise in working with the individual and expressive voice in musical contexts, balancing individuality/community, inner/outer world and acting/listening.

Laila Skovmand graduated as a singer from The Royal Academy of Music, Denmark in 2001, specialising in ‘wordless’ singing. She became a Roy Hart teacher in 2006 having worked with the method since 1996, when she spent half a year at Malérarques. She works as a singer, teacher and composer in several dance and theatre performances and in her own band Laila & Symfobia.
She studied with Carol Mendelsohn, Saule Ryan, David Goldsworthy, Jonathan Hart Makwaia, Derek Rossignol, Kaya Anderson and Marianne Le Tron.
Laila speaks Danish and English.


Website Laila & Symfobia,