• Voix en corps

    Directed by Laurent Stéphan et Jocelyne Condat

    Organized by:Compagnie Ces temps ci
    Dates:12.10.2024 -13.10.2024
    Place:Grenoble, France
    Price:210 €
    Level:Open to all

Please note all workshops outside of Malérargues are organized independently of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart.

Workshop Description:
Inhabiting your body and voice in a relaxed and tonic way, supporting your gaze, being in the right presence, offering your voice generously while remaining attentive…
This course will combine work with the fundamentals of the Roy Hart Voice Centre approach, group work (improvisations, polyphony, etc.) and exploratory sequences in which each participant’s voice will be listened to and worked on individually.

The aim is to develop each person’s presence and vocal ability by grounding and stimulating expressive capacities.

La Baj’Art – 20 rue de la Bajatière, 38 100 Grenoble

Booking Information and Contact:
Jocelyne Condat – tel: 06-63-21-90-51
Mail: jocelyne.condat@gmail.com