• Human Voice

    Directed by Ulrik Barfod

    Organized by:Anne-Catherine Crisinel Merz
    Dates:28.05.2025 -01.06.2025
    Place:Le Vaud, Suisse
    Price:500 CHF
    Level:Open to all

Please note all workshops outside of Malérargues are organized independently of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart.

Workshop Description:
The workshop is open to all and concentrates on the fundamental elements Roy Hart Theatre voice work:
– Development of vocal potential.
– Theatrical and musical improvisations.
– Individual work in small groups.
– Breathing and physical exercises to prepare the body to sing.
– The art of listening to others and oneself.
– Seeking the dynamic sources of sounds

Body and voice work in the mornings and individual time in the afternoons.

Booking Information and Contact:
Anne-Catherine Crisinel Merz
Mail : annecatherine.merz@gmail.com
Tel : 0041 78 682 72 97